10 Most Overrated Metal Albums Of The 90s

3. GWAR - Scumdogs Of The Universe (1990)

A name that seems ever-present in the metalsphere, whole ensemble of shock rock-tinged crossover thrash heroes GWAR is a lot to take in.

Extravagant costumes that leave little to imagination, song concepts that details the band's journey as an alien race invading planet Earth, live performances that are often accompanied by dancers, fire-breathers and performers, they're the ideal festival band after you've sank a few bevvies.

It's then quite remarkable that they have the presence and longevity that they do as it feels like if you've heard one GWAR song, you've heard them all. Spear-headed for the most part by late frontman Dave "Oderus Urungus" Brockie, whose vocal performances stretch from a hardcore bark, to a punk snarl, to a 'trying to convince the barman you haven't had too many to drink' garble, the band's sophomore album is considered their magnum opus, headlined by live favourite "Sick of You". I mean the bar is set fairly low so, sure.

GWAR's live spectacle is indeed a sight to behold, but on record, lack any musical resonance or appeal. The likes of Rammstein and Alice Cooper were always able to couple an awe-inspiring live show with some absolute belters. Hell, even Lordi got it right sometimes.

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Wish.com Jules Gill. Pretty fond of heavy music, Arsenal, video games and wrestling.