10 Most Underrated Hip Hop Albums Of The 2010s

1. Uncommon Nasa - Written At Night

Uncommon Nasa is about as underground as underground hip hop gets. The guy's had five albums out - one of which was written and recorded during this trashbucket year - all of which are unique and weird and brilliant, yet chances are you'll be met by a bunch of blank faces if you ask people at a party about him.

Written at Night marks Nasa's first album that he produced himself, and it's by far the best album in his entire discography. Nasa's production is clunky, that isn't a criticism, by the way, you just won't be able to dance to it very easily. The beats are glitchy and cluttered and the whole thing sounds like it was recorded under an overpass, which seems appropriate given the album's central theme. I'm aware that this is the second time he's being mentioned in this one article, but the production on this album is often very reminiscent of Burial's signature hollow, watery beats.

Nasa has stated that Written at Night is an album about - surprisingly - nighttime. Specifically the moments in the night where our minds begin going a mile a minute, demanding that we create even though we should be sound asleep, the fear and anxiety that come across us for no reason. The lyrics reflect this, but Nasa's odd delivery reflects it even better. Each bar feels almost like too many syllables are being crammed in, and the words seem almost at odds with the beats behind them. A bizarre album, perhaps an acquired taste, but one that's worth everyone's time.


Johnny sat by the fire, idly swirling his brandy, flicking through the pages of War and Peace, wondering whether it was pretentious to write his bio in the third person.