10 Most Underrated Metal Albums Of The 80s

9. Lazarus Sin - Intracranial Mass

In a blistering display of American power metal's, well, power, Lazarus Sin rocked the socks off of headbangers and glam leather enthusiasts alike in 1988.

Frontman Joseph Tierney oozes intensity and enthusiasm from the get go, letting loose on intro track 'Blood for Mercy' and never letting up. Lead guitarist Edward Cross also throws caution to the wind with several incendiary solos and riffs. His talents are perfectly showcased in 'Apothecaries Measure' where he lights the LP up with a fearless solo. His talents are further highlighted in the more progressive rock-friendly instrumental track '7734'.

The album in general is adventurous and heavy, crackling with high tempo energy. It closes out on a surprisingly epic note with 'Out of the Box'. The second of two near-10 minute tracks after 'Author of Sorrow', the end track is a perfect grand finale to the wild audio adventure the band have taken us on up to this point.

Despite their hectic, catchy riffs and fantastical, often imaginative lyrics, Lazarus Sin never really escaped relative obscurity. Efforts like this one reveal them to be some of the great unsung heroes of the early years of power metal.


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