10 Most Underrated Nu Metal Songs

5. The Blister Exists - Slipknot

There’s really no other way that Slipknot could outdo the kind of mayhem that they stirred up on Iowa. After already scaring half of the world to death on their debut, their second album made for some of the most disturbing songs of the genre and one of the heaviest records to come out of the ‘00s. It was time for some new blood, and Vol. III was where we started to see the more friendly side of Slipknot come out.

That’s not to say that they let off the gas on the deep cuts though, with The Blister Exists having the same kind of intensity that we had gotten used to on the debut. Coming right out of the foreboding intro track Prelude, Corey Taylor is shrieking his guts out on this track, talking about how worthless he feels in the face of his enemies and how they just want to rip him to shreds.

Even with the Knot’s traditional soundscapes, there’s definitely some more mainstream influences creeping into the mix, especially on the chorus of the track where Corey’s melodic vocal comes through sounding like something off of Nine Inch Nails’ the Downward Spiral. Since this is earlier in the record, this was like the first sign that things were going to get weird, and we got a taste for the softer version of Slipknot on songs like Circle and Vermilion later. This was the security blanket for the true Maggots though. We may be flirting with some new sounds here and there, but we’re still the 9 maniacs that you met back in the day.

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