10 Most Underrated Rock Albums Of All Time

4. Maladroit - Weezer

Weezer have been one of the most inconsistent bands ever since the turn of the century.

While their '90s output on albums like their debut and Pinkerton still hold up as classics, every decent album they have made since has been juxtaposed with a dumpster fire that should have never seen the light of day. In a world where most Weezer albums are either really good or really bad, Maladroit tends to fall somewhere in the middle with fans.

Though this album didn't have nearly as many catchy singles as their earlier output, this might be the heaviest thing these nerd rockers have ever recorded. From one track to the next, the band get dirty on songs like "Slob" and "Take Control," as Rivers Cuomo shows his former love towards the hard rock and heavy metal of his youth.

Even when not blowing your eardrums out, this album actually has a few sonic left turns, from the Radiohead-isms on "Death and Destruction" to the funkiness of "Burndt Jamb." The band's colorful predecessor the Green Album may have been playing it safe, but Maladroit features some of the greatest solo work of the band's career, with Cuomo finding just the right places to throw in his licks.

Despite all of the inconsistent material in Weezer's catalog, Maladroit is one of the few outliers that deserves to be placed in the top tier of the band's albums.

In this post: 
Green Day
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