10 Most Underrated Rock Bands Of The 90s

1. Stone Temple Pilots

As open as the rock landscape was after grunge set in, you sometimes forget about how much gatekeeping there was in the early days. Even when the alternative kids got to the top of the musical food chain, you would have them ostracizing any bands who they claimed not to be alternative enough to be legitimate. So when a band came on the charts that sounded alternative but came from California, you had a lot of skeptics ready to tear them to shreds.

Outside of Scott Weiland sounding a little like Eddie Vedder though, Stone Temple Pilots really came into their own the longer they lasted in the '90s, going from strength to strength over the course of the albums Core and Purple. Even though it may not have been the most alternative leaning song, Interstate Love Song is still one of the few perfect tracks of the alt rock hey day.

Once the ground started to shift beneath grunge's feet though, STP also managed to do a great job in transitioning to something else as well, adopting a more throwback retro pastiche and making songs that felt more in line with the sounds of '70s era Bowie than the sounds of Seattle. You can call them trendchasers of bandwagoners all you want, but a band that can change with the times like that has more than earned their place in rock history.

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