10 Most Unsubtle Rock Music Innuendos

9. Cherry Pie - Warrant (1990)

This was one of the last hurrahs for '80s glam metal. A year after Cherry Pie was released, Nevermind dropped and in one fell swoop grunge all but killed off acts like Warrant. All of a sudden, the band's sound was outdated, causing them to sheepishly fade into obscurity.

But, their legacy will forever be immortalised by their tongue in cheek anthem about lovemaking. The song has come to represent the epitome of glam metal. It had the classic driving guitar riff; a music video filled with teased hair dos; leather glad rockers; a half-naked woman, and all the cheesy references to sex you could hope for.

Frontman Jani Lane's lyrics detail all the places he would 'swing' with his 'cherry pie' - at one point claiming if "I think about baseball, I'll swing all night". And of course the metaphor for 'cherry pie' doesn't need much explanation. There was nothing subtle about this. It might not contain metaphors as crude as the ones acts like Kiss and Mötley Crüe deployed, but it gets the job done... so to speak.


Before engrossing myself in the written word, I spent several years in the TV and film industry. During this time I became proficient at picking things up, moving things and putting things down again.