10 Musical "Artists" That The World Really Doesn't Need

7. Kesha

kesha Sorry, I spelt her name wrong there. It€™s actually meant to be written as €œKe$ha." She has a dollar sign in her name instead of an €˜S€™! How cool is that? As I write this I am trying to remember some of her songs. All I can recall is that her songs are pretty much about nothing, and all I can hear in my head is her annoying accent and excessive use of auto-tune. Despite claiming her latest album would €œresurrect€ rock music, her first single from the album, €œDie Young€, was just another overly-manufactured electro-pop effort. Redeeming Feature: She does have co-writing credits on her songs, and her partying fun attitude is something that doesn€™t hurt anyone. She also provides a good debate with male companions about whether she is worth €œspending a night with€ or not.
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Danny - 29, love gaming, sport and movies. Please let me know if you have an issue with any of my opinions and I will duly ignore them