10 Musical "Artists" That The World Really Doesn't Need

5. Lady Gaga

Lady-Gaga Back in 2008, Lady Gaga was huge. Her music was cool and edgy, and her fashion style was unique. Then people started to think, €œwait, haven€™t we seen this before? Oh yeah, that€™s right€ Madonna." Then Lady Gaga released her first single, €œBorn This Way€, from her highly anticipated second album, and people realised they had heard that song before €“ €œExpress Yourself€ by Madonna. Her second album was a lot safer and middle-of-the-road than her debut album; meanwhile, Gaga€™s fashion sense got crazier and wackier, but people didn€™t really care about that anymore. Gaga has made it no secret that she is heavily influenced by David Bowie, not just musically but stylistically too. But David Bowie€™s style was incorporated into his music, which offered something completely original at the time. Lady Gaga€™s style has nothing to do with her music, and is nothing more than seeking attention for publicity. As original as Lady Gaga seemed when she first hit the scene, we have learnt that she is merely copying Madonna€™s early strategy for fame. Redeeming Feature: Underneath all the clothing and make up, there is actually some talent in Lady Gaga. I have seen her do a few low-key performances with just her and a piano, and it is actually quite impressive. She is also quite heavily involved with the writing of her songs. Her next album will likely decide how successful the rest of her career will be.
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Danny - 29, love gaming, sport and movies. Please let me know if you have an issue with any of my opinions and I will duly ignore them