10 Musical "Artists" That The World Really Doesn't Need

2. Rita Ora

ritaora I don€™t really have anything against Rita Ora; it€™s just that the world already has Rihanna, so why do we need a British clone of her? She offers absolutely nothing new to music. Like other females on this list, she strives for attention with her fashion sense, and despite claiming in an interview that she €œusually doesn€™t take songs from other people€, she has just one song that she co-wrote with 4 others on her debut album, €œOra." That doesn€™t include her number 1 UK hit, €œHow We Do€, which has a massive 12 writers credited to it. Like I said before, I don€™t have anything against her; it€™s just that I believe thousands of other girls could do her job just as well, and that she looks like Rihanna - which will bring me nicely to number one on this list. Redeeming Feature: She can actually sing better than Rihanna, but that's not saying much.
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Danny - 29, love gaming, sport and movies. Please let me know if you have an issue with any of my opinions and I will duly ignore them