10 Nirvana Covers Better Than The Original

8. Turnaround

While Nirvana and Devo don’t obviously share much sonically, both bands had a wry sense of humour and a love of punk and beyond, even if they plucked different influences from the genre.

Their John Peel cover of Devo’s “Turnaround” (a b-side from their signature song “Whip It”) was recorded in 1990 and the sound of Nirvana’s playing clearly places the group between Bleach and the following year’s Nevermind. The overdrive is still turned up to the max, but they’ve figuring out how to milk more melody out of the playing.

The lyrics, while goofy fun in Devo’s hands, are made something paranoid and frightening when delivered via Cobain’s snarl. While Nirvana don’t have to do much with the tune or the rhythm - a skittery, danceable motorick - they add significant weight simply by stripping away the bleeping, blooping decorative notes of Devo’s version.

Played in session for John Peel, it’s a thumping rocker by a band ready to hit the big time. Without changing much at all, they make it their own.

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Yorkshire-based writer of screenplays, essays, and fiction. Big fan of having a laugh. Read more of my stuff @ www.twotownsover.com (if you want!)