10 Obscure And Rare Hard Rock & Metal Albums

8. Crying Steel - On The Prowl (1987)

Formed in Bologna, Italy in 1982, Crying Steel’s classic line-up released their first full-length album On The Prowl in 1987 after their eponymous EP in 1985.

Inspired by NWOBHM bands like Judas Priest and Iron Maiden and sticking closely to that kind of galloping bass/twin guitar blueprint, Crying Steel weren’t one of the trend’s bands to break big. A complete inability to retain a steady line-up and a revolving door for frontmen prevented them from getting any kind of momentum going, or achieving the kind of cult/underground status of some of the other bands of the era.

Following a break-up/long hiatus in the early nineties and a short-lived reunion and tour in 1994, they would only release a second album upon their third bite at the cherry in 2007 with The Steel Is Back. The curse of the fluctuating line-up would continue to haunt them, however. Crying Steel’s third album Time Stands Steel would take another six years to emerge, and their fourth, Stay Steel, another five years.

There’s a lot about Crying Steel that raises eyebrows, not least that name (why is the steel crying? Does it need a hug?), the utterly unreadable logo and the album covers, which - with the exception of The Steel Is Back - all seem to feature the same dark-haired dominatrix doing things like taking a black panther for a walk, playing/groping a guitar or biting furiously at a fob watch.

However, On The Prowl is an excellent example of the kind of tuneful metal being made in the early to mid eighties: ten radio-friendly, frenetic, well-played songs that don’t outstay their welcome. The album is of more interest due to being the very first Italian metal album to be released on CD, and the original release has maintained its rarity value due to the two recent re-releases, which now represent the only way to get hold of the record outside of the serious collector’s market.

It's also their only LP that doesn't use that godawful 'steel/still' pun in the title, so it's got that going for it too.

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Professional writer, punk werewolf and nesting place for starfish. Obsessed with squid, spirals and story. I publish short weird fiction online at desincarne.com, and tweet nonsense under the name Jack The Bodiless. You can follow me all you like, just don't touch my stuff.