10 One-Hit Wonders That Defined The Early 2000s

7. Baha Men - "Who Let The Dogs Out?"

"Why not?" That's the only thought we had in our tired minds when the Baha Men appeared with "Who Let the Dogs out?" It had been a while since we'd had a big, fun novelty hit. And this one was destined to become a mega hit (and incessant catchphrase for people who are immune to original thoughts) from the moment it was first blasted at an NBA game.

The Baha Men were a household name overnight, all thanks to their grizzled shouting of one really random question. (By the way, as far as call-and-response songs go, the answer "Woof! Woof! Woof!" is not particularly enlightening. So we still don't actually know who them out.) The sports world ate it up, with multiple teams across multiple leagues using it as a rallying cry. Why? We're still not really sure. I's a question almost as difficult to answer as the one presented in the song.

To be fair, there were worse novelty summer anthems ("Thong Song," anyone?), and for the first few weeks it was a lot of fun to sing along to. But luckily this one eventually went the way of "Barbie Girl" and "I'm Too Sexy."

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Jacob is a part-time contributor for WhatCulture, specializing in music, movies, and really, really dumb humor.