10 Outrageous Omissions From The Rock And Roll Hall Of Fame

6. Captain Beefheart

Like all musicians, Don Van Vliet began his quest as a music fan, especially when it came to the blues. His obsession with singers like Howlin' Wolf as well as a talent for mimicry led him to record early singles like Bo Diddley's "Diddy Wah Diddy." Close your eyes and you'll swear you're hearing one of Van Vliet's influences, rather than the man who would become Captain Beefheart. Along with the Velvet Underground and his childhood friend Frank Zappa, Beefheart and his Magic Band were largely responsible for creating the alternative rock genre, about thirty years before record companies figured out how to market the stuff. Trout Mask Replica is his masterpiece, an excursion into time signatures so odd they put progressive rock bands to shame, and melodies more dissonant than most punk bands. Bizarre songs like "Frownland" and "Dachau Blues" are delivered with Beefheart's trademark howl, which had by now developed into its own beast. It's loud and weird and hard to listen to, and that's exactly the point. If your Melvins-obsessed friends can't groove to this, get new friends.

Check out "The Champ" by my alter ego, Greg Forrest, in Heater #12, at http://fictionmagazines.com. I used to do a mean Glenn Danzig impression. Now I just hang around and co-host The Workprint podcast at http://southboundcinema.com/.