10 Perfect 90s Albums That Changed Rock And Roll Music

2. OK Computer - Radiohead

As the '90s started to reach the last few years, the grunge revolution that promised so much tended to feel like ages ago. The new regime of rock and roll that had started seemed to dissipate and fans were left getting more and more desensitized to what was happening around them. Amid all of the flashy pop music and punishing nu metal that was tearing up the charts though, rock managed to get revitalized one last time by...the guys who wrote Creep?

After being deemed one hit wonders by a majority of the rock scene, OK Computer was where Radiohead claimed their spot among the greatest bands of their generation, taking their listeners on a ride through what life could be like living in the 21st century. While most Radiohead fans know that they shouldn't be going into their music to have a great time by any stretch, a majority of these songs tend to deconstruct all of the traditional rock tropes to pave the way for something new, like the most cynical Beach Boys song ever written No Surprises or talking about the conflicting feelings of surviving a plane crash on Lucky.

Although most of the electronic musing didn't happen until Kid A, there are a lot of moments that almost look to the future, with Let Down pointing to the kind of clean sounds that happen in post rock and Paranoid Android tearing down the walls of what constituted a lead single with countless different movements happening over the course of 6 minutes. It still sounds like the future, but not in a way that sounds dated. It hasn't aged because we're living in a world that OK Computer created.

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