10 Perfect Rock Albums For Pop Music Fans

2. Nevermind - Nirvana

Throughout the entire 1990's, it felt like the mainstream's taste in music changed almost every year. One day we would be talking about the beef between Biggie and Tupac, and then we would be living in Candyland after experiencing the sugar high of the Spice Girls. As the decade kicked off, it didn't matter what genre you were into: chances are you were into Nirvana.

Which is strange to look back on when Kurt Cobain said he didn't even like Nevermind that much. Thinking that it was too slick, Kurt probably didn't expect the band to take off that fast, especially when he wasn't prepared to be the voice of his generation. On every track here though, this was a call to arms for the next generation, speaking to everyone who had ever felt left out and giving them a new style of music to get down on.

Even Kurt argued that that was a bit of a mixed bag too, taking insult to the fact that jocks were showing up at their gigs after a while, who he had hated for being the bullies that picked on him when he was at school. Granted, there will always be a debate as to what Nirvana's style of music is. Is it rock? Is it metal? Is it pop? The easy answer: it's just good sounding music, and that should really be enough to get any fan hooked on it.

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