10 Perfect Rock Singles On Bad Albums

3. Spent The Day In Bed - Morrissey: Low In High School (2017)

The ever controversial and occasionally enjoyable Morrissey, proved his glory days weren't quite over with this number. Although the album it resided on, was a scattering of musical quality and contradicting political ideas, the lead single was great.

An electric piano melody served to imbue a lighthearted groove into the track. Trace elements of Johnny Marr inspired guitar peppered it with memories of The Smith's more classic numbers. And, a subtle use of sample scratching, gave everything a contemporary feel.

Morrissey humorously lambasted the trappings of the daily grind from the comfort of a feather bed. In recent years, he has been known to miss the mark when it comes to his social commentary, but with this number he hit the nail on the head. Who doesn't get the sense that the news only serves to bombard you with feelings of existential dread?

Although there is a certain irony, to a man who hasn't worked a 9-5 in decades, harking about the turmoil of the daily grind, this is nevertheless a great song.

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Before engrossing myself in the written word, I spent several years in the TV and film industry. During this time I became proficient at picking things up, moving things and putting things down again.