10 Perfect Rock Songs Of The 2000s

6. Brianstorm - Arctic Monkeys

In an era when the rock landscape was already shifting, the Arctic Monkeys may have been one of the few bands that couldn't have existed in any other decade. Being one of the first bands to gain a huge following off of the Internet, their unique brand of garage rock and roll was just the kind of chaotic that we wanted at the time, as Alex Turner painted a sardonic look at what English nightlife was like. Nothing could top something like that, but Brianstorm actually looked like it was going to.

Kicking off Favorite Worst Nightmare, this is the most balls to the wall production that the Monkeys had ever used, with the unstoppable momentum of Matt Helder's drums never letting up for the song's 3 minute runtime. It's not like the rest of the band can't keep up with him either, as Turner rolls with the drums on his guitar as he details the life of a man who has nothing better to do than chase after women and act like a jackass in the bar.

Considering the kind of nightlife that we were already looking at on the last album, this feels like we are actually a part of the nightlife this time, as the entire song gives you the same type of disoriented feeling you'd get if you were hopping from one club to the next. Rock and roll was still about having fun, but you might want to stay on your guard with songs like these in case something bad is around the corner.

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