10 Perfect Rock Songs That Changed Music History

8. Paranoid Android - Radiohead

After Kurt Cobain started the alternative revolution, the age of progressive forms of music pretty much died off as well. For all of the hair metal bands that died after Seattle became the biggest city in the world, there were just as many casualties in other genres of rock and roll, with alternative music dominating almost every minute of MTV. When the age of irony started to wear out its welcome on the charts though, the most alternative thing to do was to create something a lot more cerebral.

Coming out of their one hit wonder-dom, Paranoid Android was Radiohead's major watershed moment, taking all of the lessons they had learned when making the Bends and channeling it into a 6 minute piece, borrowing the structure from the Beatles' Happiness is a Warm Gun. Inspired originally by Thom Yorke's unpleasant interaction at a bar, Android reads more like a man that is slowly losing touch with reality, getting more and more emotionless until he becomes almost a shell of himself, imagining a world where ambition looks ugly and humanity starts conforming to the digital age.

Once you picked up OK Computer, it was pretty much the same as well, taking you on a journey through the dangers that come with the rise of technology and closing the door on the more organic era of rock and roll. Considering you're probably reading this on a device of some kind right now, we're practically living in a world that Paranoid Android created.

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I'm just a junkie for all things media. Whether it's music, movies, TV, or just other reviews, I absolutely adore this stuff. But music was my first love, and I love having the opportunity to share it with you good people. Follow Me On Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/timcoffman97