10 Pop Stars Who Should Have Been One-Hit Wonders

7. Train

Singer Avril Lavigne gestures during a photo session in New York's Central Park.
Nick Wass/AP

Oh, how lucky we'd be if "Meet Virginia" was the only thing Train was known for. There'd be no "Drops of Jupiter," there'd be no "Marry Me," and there'd be no "Hey, Soul Sister." It's exactly what John Lennon was singing about in "Imagine." And it really is beautiful if you think of it.

Instead, the vanilla wafer wearing a blazer that is Train went balls-out in the 21st century, throwing themselves onto any and all genres, absorbing the worst parts of said genres, and then evacuating those remnants onto pop radio. To call their career trajectory the result of "genre-hopping" is an insult to artists who genuinely explore different musical avenues.

At first, Train was just another in a long line of post-grunge, light alt-rock-ish supplements, easily confused with the likes of Tonic and Vertical Horizon and...you're already Googling Tonic and Vertical Horizon, aren't you? Exactly. And Train could have faded away just as easily.

But no, Train has stayed popular because of a sadistic, chameleon streak wherein they assume the identity of whichever band just made a splash on the charts with a unique sound. Then they copy-and-paste it over lyrics that were most likely written in an airplane bathroom.

In this post: 
Avril Lavigne
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Jacob is a part-time contributor for WhatCulture, specializing in music, movies, and really, really dumb humor.