10 Problems Only Kayne West Fans Will Understand

10. Persuading All Your Friends To Buy The Book Of Yeezus

Google Images Guess what just hit the market? The Book of Yeezus, that€™s what. The newly edited edition of the bible is currently for sale, and being the massive Kanye West fan that you are, it€™s already on its way to your door. Because of course you€™re going to buy it, and of course all your friends should buy it too. Who doesn€™t want a Bible where the words God and Yeshua have been replaced by the words Kanye and Yeezus? For example: "In the beginning Kanye created the heaven and the earth... And Kanye said, Let there be light: and there was light." Brilliant, right? Ok, so maybe it€™s going to take a while to catch on (especially amongst the Christian community); but you know all your friends will be loving your new coffee-table read when they next come round to visit.
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Kanye West
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I love Stephen King and music festivals; I eat my toast upside down; I daydream about getting married probably a bit too much; and I wish every day for a pet sausage dog puppy (who never materialises – sob).