10 Problems Only Kayne West Fans Will Understand

3. You€™re Constantly Trying To Rap Along Without Feeling Like An Utter Racist

We€™re all pretty familiar by now with the fact that Kanye likes to use the N word. A lot. And we€™re ok with that (well, most of us are). It€™s called artistic license; and if KW wants to preach for the plight of African-American people, that€™s great. West uses the N-word more than 40 times in his recently released song €˜All Day n****€™ €“ and when he debuted the song at the 2015 Brit Awards, only R&B singer Lionel Ritchie complained. €œI don€™t think it€™s OK for a black man to use the N-word,€ Richie said. €œAnd I am a black man. I don€™t think it should be said and become normal.€ You€™re not sure what you think. Is it emboldening racists to use the word more frequently? Or is it a way of Kanye drawing further attention to his controversial persona? You just mumble through those words when they come up on a song and hope no one€™s laughing at you.
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Kanye West
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I love Stephen King and music festivals; I eat my toast upside down; I daydream about getting married probably a bit too much; and I wish every day for a pet sausage dog puppy (who never materialises – sob).