10 Radio-Friendly Songs About Drugs

7. Because I Got High - Afroman

Writing an article about drug songs on the radio and not mentioning Afroman would be like writing an article about cats who like lasagne and not mentioning Garfield.

The quintessential turn-of-the-millenium anthem for casual stoners everywhere, this was the unapologetic story of a man smoking too much of the devil’s lettuce and getting absolutely jack-all done as a result.

Verse by verse, Afroman - worst superhero name ever - sacks off his education, his wife and kids, the entire American judicial system, and the use of his legs as his love for the green stuff envelopes his entire life - and he does it all with the carefree giddiness of the comfortably baked.

The irony is that this ode to weed-induced apathy was actually Afroman’s greatest achievement, topping the charts everywhere from Australia to Norway, and becoming the UK’s 10th highest (get it?) selling single of 2001.

Don’t let the rapper’s goofy demeanour fool you though - behind his cheery disposition and offbeat throwaways, this smash hit is actually the dark tale of a man who loses everything because of a crippling drug dependency.

Just say no, kids.

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