10 Reasons Coldplay Should Be More Respected Than They Are

4. They Have A Sense Of Humour

Coldplay haters will tell you that Chris Martin is a humourless, narcissistic, pretentious man. And though I've never met the guy, I can deduce from a lot of evidence that that's probably not true. Martin is well aware of the reputation he has though, as his Episodes cameo suggests: not content with trying to plug his music and his Greatest Hits CD in a charity advert, he also asks the director if starving African children can hold his CD. He comes across as painfully awkward when complimented on his music, and when asked what it felt like to be in the biggest band in the world, he once replied, "I don't know, why don't you ask U2?" And no, being a nice guy doesn't make you a better musician, but it is slightly unfair that this man is lampooned for being overly-serious when he once performed to fans who broke into his garden to hear him sing. He's joked that he has a sponsorship deal with Apple (hence his daughter's name), he's poked fun at his middle class image (about how he left the country in so much of a hurry after the fox-hunting ban that he had to return for his gun) and he's even taken the mick out of his own band. He obviously doesn't take himself that seriously, so why should we?

Mark White hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.