10 Reasons Why Andrew W.K. Is The Greatest Human Being Of All Time

8. He Gives Great Advice

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xtx2GeQN-DQ It€™s not just general motivational speaking that Andrew W.K. has indulged in either. In more recent years he has become one of the world€™s most respected agony aunts, by way of his Village Voice column, Ask Andrew W.K. Debuting in January 2014, W.K. was introduced by the Voice€™s editor Brian McManus as €œthe Pope, Ann Landers, and Dear Abby at a raging kegger, helping talk the highest guy in the room off the chewed-up ledge of life€. McManus had possibly got the inspiration for Ask Andrew W.K. from the singer€™s Japanese advice column in the music magazine Rockin€™ On. This ran for ten years, ending in 2012, and even spawned a book titled I Will Change Your Life. When he transferred to the Voice, his advice went mainstream, and one of his columns in particular received a lot of attention. Told by a reader €œMy dad is a right-wing asshole€, W.K. responded by taking the writer to task about why he had defined his father by his politics, rather than as a person. His treatment of the subject was widely praised, and for many, put W.K. in a different light. Other columns, though less celebrated, have touched on potential heroin use, suicide, the death of a friend, white guilt, and even being told by one reader to €œeat shit and die". But regardless of the question, Andrew W.K. has always responded with remarkable insight, candour and humility.
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Andrew WK
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A man who writes things.