10 Reasons Why Andrew W.K. Is The Greatest Human Being Of All Time

6. He Helps Teenagers Blow Stuff Up

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WcxkGMPAnbg Think back to your childhood. Maybe you built sand castles at the beach, or played with Lego, constructing elaborate buildings that defied logic. You might even have spent hours and hours making your own piñata ahead of a birthday party, before brutally beating it until its delicious contents haemorrhaged all over your lawn. If you did any of the above, you will have experienced the thrill of building something, seeing it grow from just an idea in your head to a fully-formed reality. And if you€™re a certain kind of person, you will also have enjoyed what inevitably came after - the destruction of your creation. Andrew W.K. took this primal joy, multiplied it by a thousand and gave kids the chance to do it on a grand scale on his Cartoon Network show Destroy Build Destroy. First airing in 2009, it featured two teenage teams competing against each other to build the best vehicle they could out of a previously destroyed object. The winners would have the honour of then obliterating the losers€™ vehicle in a manner of their own choosing, hence the show€™s entirely obvious name. In Destroy Build Destroy€™s four season run, W.K. oversaw the dropping of a fruit truck from a 100-foot crane, the crushing of a pickup truck with a World War Two-era Russian tank, the setting of a blimp on fire, and on the first day of filming, a 20-storey mushroom cloud with such intense heat you could apparently feel it from over 500 feet away. Doing these things in real life would land you in serious legal trouble, but within the show€™s confines, they perfectly dovetail with W.K€™s unofficial philosophy that anything and everything should be experienced, provided everyone is safe and nobody gets hurt.
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Andrew WK
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A man who writes things.