10 Reasons You Should Love Nicki Minaj

1. She Will Shut You Down

One of the subjects Minaj comes back to again and again is the idea that a woman who is willing to speak her mind and focus unapologetically on her career will be labelled a b****, while a man doing the same thing will be celebrated. She draws comparisons between her experiences and that of male rappers who have nowhere near her level of talent but who are criticised half as much. Minaj also objects to being defined in relation to the men in her personal and professional life. In a recent interview, she was asked whether the infighting between her former and present lover and other men on her label came about because she thrives off drama. Minaj's response was perfect: "Four grown-ass men are having issues between themselves, and you€™re asking me do I thrive off drama?". Preach, Nicki. Share your love for Nicki Minaj in the comments thread below.
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Nicki Minaj
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Brydie is an Australian writer and performer living in London and she complains exactly the same amount about the weather as every other Australian living in London. Yes, that is her natural lip colour, no, she will not be taking any further questions at this time.