10 Rock "Sellout" Albums That Are Actually Really Good

6. Make Believe - Weezer

When Weezer reconvened in the early '00s, it started to look like things were going to be better again. After the misunderstood Pinkerton went belly up with both critics and fans, these nerd rockers' return to form was actually pretty good off the strength of the Green Album and Maladroit. Then Make Believe happened and everything went out the window, right?

Well, no...not really. While this album is good for what it is, it's easy to see why the diehard fans have problems with this one. Across the track listing, Rivers Cuomo is getting a little bit lazy with his lyrical style, with some tracks not even having a sturdy chorus to tie everything together. However, the makings of a great Weezer album are here in spades, with songs like the Other Way and The Damage In Your Heart showing some potential right off the bat.

Even some of the more notorious tracks like Peace and Hold Me are still great slices of pop rock, with the nervy guitars from days gone by still present and accounted for. That's before you even get to Perfect Situation, which still works as a decent balance of the heavier and softer sides of the band's sound in one track. For as much as Weezer have separated themselves from their sound on albums like Raditude and Pacific Daydream, Make Believe was still proof that the nerd rockers who gave us Buddy Holly and Say It Ain't So were in there somewhere.

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