10 Rock Albums That Peak With The Second Song

5. Disraeli Gears - Cream

The name of this 1967 record from supergroup Cream has nothing to do with the 19th Century British Prime Minister Benjamin Disraeli.

It's all to do with roadie Mick Turner getting confused when trying to talk about derailleur gears on his new bike. The band found this so funny, that they named their entire album after his slip of the tongue.

Is this... bullying?

Even if it is, nobody cares, because Disraeli Gears is widely considered to be a masterpiece.

Home to brilliant tracks like Strange Brew, Tales of Brave Ulysses, and Outside Woman Blues, the album is a treasure trove of late-60s bluesy psychedelia. Oh, and it also contains only the biggest song Cream ever recorded.

Sunshine of Your Love is a classic for so many reasons. The sublime riff, the vocal interplay between Eric Clapton and Jack Bruce, Slowhand's solo, it's all there and it's all fantastic.

Diehard Creamheads (probably not what they're called) could point out why other tracks are better, but you can't deny the cultural impact of Sunshine of Your Love.

It was on Guitar Hero III, for crying out loud! There is no higher honour!


Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.