10 Rock Albums That Were Killed By One Song

3. Can't Stop Partying - Weezer

Weezer have had one of the oddest career trajectories out of all the great rock acts of the 90's. While the band has two classic albums to their name with their self-titled debut and Pinkerton, they have spent the better part of two decades trying to mold themselves into something entirely different. Though the band does deserve kudos for some of their outlandish experiments, "Can't Stop Partying" was where the band made every single wrong decision.

On the whole, the band's album Raditude is a misguided attempt to put them on the pop charts, but the record started with promise on the song "If You're Wondering..." The pop-rock sensibilities of the band were still intact, but this track trades in the band's hooks for a buzzy synth that pounds into your skull and Rivers Cuomo singing some of the most generic party lyrics of his career.

Adding insult to injury, the song also features a guest verse from Lil Wayne, whose rapping style gels with the band's sound horribly. It may have been a different move to venture into the world of club music, but this sounds almost blasphemous coming from the nerd rockers behind "Say It Ain't So." Raditude could have been salvaged after the first few tracks, but this one song was the moment Weezer broke the hearts of their fans.

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