10 Rock Bands Currently Touring You Need To See Right Now

2. Avenged Sevenfold

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dcWHpXBpEFY These guys rock! With the vast successful of their last album and the ensuing Nightmare tour, the Huntington Beach rockers are back for more with the 2013 release of Hail to the King. Their latest masterwork features powerful stadium-shaking tunes sure to please in the live show format. Late drummer Jimmy €œThe Rev€ Sullivan€™s position has officially been handed over to the impressive Arin Llejay who puts his own spin on The Rev's intense beats. Every Sevenfold show promises to include and eerie stage design with clever use of fire and the infamous Deathbat design lording over the crowd. Don€™t miss the action; Avenged Sevenfold are thrashing every corner of the world this year. You won€™t be disappointed we guarantee it!

I am a young professional always looking for a laugh. I enjoy music, cars, guitars, and movies. “Today you are You, that is truer than true. There is no one alive who is Youer than You.” -Dr. Suess.