10 Rock Bands That Got Better With Age

3. Radiohead

For all the different music that Radiohead have given us, it is jarring to go back to the old sounds that they were up to back in the early '90s. Combined with the kind of lemonhead haircut that Thom Yorke was sporting at the time, these guys just felt like they were doing a cheap imitation of what Nirvana had started on the other side of the world, and would probably be forgotten in the next few years. If the music scene at the time wasn't going to accept them for the long haul though, Radiohead found the next possible solution: change the music scene.

Starting with the Bends, you can hear them slowly melding their sound into something that was a lot more clean than the grunge crunch of Pablo Honey, until finally writing the ultimate artistic statement of the late '90s in OK Computer. Once the music scene was ready to accept them as one of the kings of the genre though, the band refused to get with the program, opting to change their sound again to electronica on Kid A.

They've never really looked back from that album either, making bold new ambitions on every album, from the political sounds of Hail to The Thief to the pure melancholy that runs through their last album a Moon Shaped Pool. They may have been hung out to dry by the music public in the early days, but Radiohead were never ones to stay in a genre for very long. This was a band that had their eye set on something different...and most of the music world was only too happy to go along for the ride.

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