10 Rock Bands Who Were Forced To Change Their Album Covers

5. Blind Faith - Blind Faith (1969)

Blind Faith brought together Eric Clapton, Ginger Baker, Steve Winwood and Ric Grech in one of the most notable supergroups of all time, who went on to release just the one, self-titled album.

While the musicianship on the record is respected by pretty much everyone with ears, the controversial artwork - which obviously we won't be showing here - was not. The textless cover featured the photo of a topless 11-year-old girl holding a silver-painted model of an aircraft in front of what can only be the Windows XP stock wallpaper.

That girl is Mariora Goschen, photographed by Bob Seidemann in questionable circumstances. According to Seidemann, he approached her sister on the London Underground and asked her to model for the cover. When the sister proved to be too old for the effect he wanted, he roped Mariora into it instead, and she walked away £40 richer.

Needless to say, the cover was widely considered to be inappropriate, with some also seeing the phallic connotations of the aeroplane model as adding insult to injury. As a result, ATCO Records, who were in charge of the US release, put the album out with an alternative cover, opting for a poor quality monotone picture of the band taken from a flyer for their inaugural concert in Hyde Park.

Curiously, though, the original cover is still widely available in the UK...


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