10 Rock Music Bands Who Had Huge Potential (And Wasted It)

1. The Stone Roses

The Stone Roses

Oasis. Blur. Pulp. Other bands that nobody cares about. These were the names at the spearhead of Britpop, one of the most incredible musical movements of the 20th Century.

Their talents were undeniable and their success well earned, but there's an argument to be made that none of them would have made it were it not for a group of Manchester lads calling themselves The Stone Roses.

In 1989, the band put out their self-titled debut, and it was a proper watershed moment. The laidback vocals of Ian Brown wound perfectly round the hazy playing of John Squire, creating a collection of songs unlike anything that had come before.

The Roses looked set to take the upcoming decade by storm, but then all the members remembered they hated each other.

Furious squabbling, combined with a lacklustre second album, completely derailed the band's chances of making it big. They broke up in 1996, by which point, Britpop had come and left behind them.

It is testament to how good that first Stone Roses album is that it's still talked about today, because everything that followed it was a gigantic let-down.

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Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.