10 Rock Music Songs That Aren't About What You Think

2. Losing My Religion - R.E.M

R.E.M were never one to shy away from big topics in their music.

The song Orange Crush is actually a reference to the chemical Agent Orange and its use on civilians in the Vietnam War. In terms of subject matters, they don't come much bigger than that.

Naturally, when the band put out a song called Losing My Religion in 1991, everyone assumed that it would be a takedown of faith.

The opening line, "Oh life is bigger, it's bigger than you", might be interpreted as calling out the Church for their influence over people's lives.

Equally, there are lines about confessions and being on one's knees later in the song.

However, this time around, R.E.M were just writing a love song.

According to Michael Stipe, the expression "Losing My Religion" comes from the Southern states of America and means to lose one's temper.

The song is about being so in love with someone that it makes you angry. "It's just a classic obsession pop song." he once said, comparing it to The Police's Every Breath You Take.

So there you have it. Although, knowing R.E.M, they could just be fooling with us.

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Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.