10 Rock Musicians Who Should Become Two-Time Hall Of Famers

7. Slash

Honestly, Slash should probably get a separate award for having to put up with Axl Rose for all those years.

Saul Hudson, best known as the top hat-loving master of the six string, is easily one of the most famous non-vocalists working in music today. Without him, several of rock's greatest guitar solos and riffs simply wouldn't exist, and that's just talking about Appetite for Destruction.

Whilst Slash was rightfully honoured for his work in Guns N' Roses in 2012, by that point, he hadn't been a member of the band for 20 years. After leaving in 1992, he embarked on a varied career that is more than worthy of an induction all on its own.

He helmed Slash's Snakepit in the 90s, formed the supergroup Velvet Revolver alongside Stone Temple Pilots frontman Scott Weiland, released a banging solo album in 2010, and put out four great records along with Myles Kennedy & The Conspirators from 2012 to 2022.

Then there's all the session work he's done, including work for Bob Dylan, Motorhead, Lenny Kravitz, and Michael Jackson. Sounds exhausting just reading about it, so imagine how it must have felt to actually do all that stuff.


Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.