10 Severely Underrated Grunge Albums

2. Truly - Fast Stories... From Kid Coma

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EcnY7zDS6Ow Coming a whole four years after their debut EP Truly in 1991, Fast Stories...From Kid Coma was the full length debut album from the psych-grunge outfit Truly hailing (obviously) from Seattle. The record's spacey vibes and majestic guitar riffs typify a record that reaches for its lofty musical ambitions and succeeds in every way imaginable. The problem was that the album slipped between the cracks amidst an industry transition both commercially and culturally, one that saw the grunge phenomenon fade away in the public consciousness at the time, highlighting the importance that timing can play in the music industry. That point is particularly evident when listening to this glorious relic of the 90's. This loose concept record benefits greatly from its slow burning qualities, releasing gem after gem with swaggering confidence. Their unique grunge traits grind along at slow tempos on the majority of tracks like the oozing guitar leads on 'Hot Summer 1991' or the smoldering smoke-ridden 'Hurricane Dance'. Their greatest stylistic attribute is the use of off key vocal melodies punctuating the off-kilter instrumental performances like the dirge infested opener 'Blue Flame Ford', or the spiralling distortion clinker 'Four Girls', creating genuine discomfort that capitulates at various points.
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Music Journalism graduate and freelance writer from Northern Ireland, who enjoys scouring the music archives for the best sounds from the past and present. Writer for the awesome publications WhatCulture, Metal Injection, Scribol, The Gamer, and Prefix.