10 Songs That Are Basically Minutes-Long Orgasms

7. Madonna - "Justify My Love"

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Np_Y740aReI Sure, the accompanying music video usually gets all the recognition when it comes to Erotica-era Madonna's attempts at getting the world all riled up, but the audio for "Justify My Love" is just as titillating. Credited with introducing "adult pop" to the masses, this song doesn't feature much singing, and instead opts to go the breathy, spoken-word route. It's a dark, seductive bit of trip hop with a pulsating, dare I say "throbbing" little beat. But "Justify My Love" is less about the music than it is the words Madonna is throatily emanating.
"Wanting," , "needing," , "waiting...for you." "Yearning," , "burning...for you."
It's not exactly understated. But far be it from Madge to keep those types of auditory pleasures to herself.
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Jacob is a part-time contributor for WhatCulture, specializing in music, movies, and really, really dumb humor.