10 Songs That Defined The '90s

4. Live Forever - Oasis

In the wake of grunge's brutal death, things started to get really depressing really fast. Ever since Kurt Cobain's tragic suicide, the disaffected sounds of the early '90s just started to sound all the more hollow with each passing day. Even in the vast darkness that came with the territory back in the day, there was a little light at the end of the tunnel coming from a few lads out of Manchester.

Equipped without a pot to piss in, Oasis made one of the greatest rock anthems of all time in Live Forever, acting as much as a celebration of the life we lead as it did an announcement of a brand new band. Being one of the first major pieces of work that Noel Gallagher brought to the table, this was the blueprint for what became the Oasis sound, featuring fairly simple progressions underpinned by some of the greatest melodies that had been created since Cobain reared his head at the beginning of the decade.

Above all else, this was a signal of hope at the end of a dark time, showing that the sounds of rock and roll could still feel fresh and exciting after looking death squarely in the face. As much as the future seemed uncertain, this was the first sign that maybe things were going to be okay.

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I'm just a junkie for all things media. Whether it's music, movies, TV, or just other reviews, I absolutely adore this stuff. But music was my first love, and I love having the opportunity to share it with you good people. Follow Me On Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/timcoffman97