10 Strangest Concept Albums

7. God In Three Persons - The Residents

Since their first studio album, 1974's Meet The Residents, this anonymous, anarchic collective have released more than 60 records of challenging, inventive and wonderful music. Many of these fall into the concept album category, sometimes loosely and sometimes focused. Good examples include 1979's Eskimo, 1980's The Commercial Album and 1989's excellent Elvis-themed set, The King And Eye.

Arguably none, though, are quite as odd as God In Three Persons.

Released in 1988, this double-album follows the story of conjoined twins with magical healing powers who come under the sway of the mysterious 'Mr X,' a showman-entrepreneur who markets and manages the 'duo,' having them conduct semi-religious services to demonstrate their powers to the public. So far, so strange, but things take a darker turn. Mr X begins lusting after the female twin, only to discover than the twins' sexuality is fluid and their 'worldly' knowledge more advanced than he realised.

In a mad fit of passion, Mr X physically severs the twins, only to come to a horrible realistion.

In this post: 
The Who
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Chris Wheatley is a journalist and writer from Oxford, UK. He has too many records, too many guitars and not enough cats.