10 Things You Didn't Know About Metallica

4. Lars was originally supposed to be fired

Lars Ulrich doesn’t really get enough props for being the real heart of Metallica. There have been plenty of occasions where his lackluster drumming style has gotten in the way of great songs, but the Metallica that we know and love today would not be in here if he wasn’t still there. However, the band were very close to continuing without Ulrich in the early days.

While the band were out on tour with fellow thrashers Anthrax, guitarist Scott Ian has said that James and Cliff were talking about sacking Lars once the touring wrapped up. For as much great material as he brought to the band, Ulrich’s intense personality and often shoddy performances led to the band wanting some fresh blood behind the kit.

The plan was still in place for most of the tour, but everything ended up changing when Burton was killed in a bus accident. As the band made their way back to the States to find a new bass player, Ulrich’s tenacity and smart business mind gave the band the shot in the arm they needed to continue on.

Lars may still be called “the worst Metallica member” or “the Napster guy,” but if he had not been there when the band needed him, it’s very possible we wouldn’t be talking about them today.

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