10 Things You Should Be Listening To - End of the Road Special

3. Dirty Beaches

lo-fi/rock'n'roll/ballad The music and life of Dirty Beaches, or Alex Zhang Hungtai, is like a collage of old photographs. Born in Taiwan, but never in one place long enough to call anywhere home, though currently kind of residing in Canada, he€™s said himself home and his memories of it are like a collage of fractured landscapes, somehow always out of place. So too has he been musically, having tried being in a metal band he was thrown out for trying to sing like David Bowie. I personally see absolutely no issue at all with that. Deciding to teach himself to play and do it for himself, the result is like the lost photo album of a stranger; out of time and out of place. Channelling the spirit of 1950s Americana by way of the first strains of rock€™n€™roll and girl groups, sometimes brought to life by the altogether more modern sampling techniques of hip hop, he filters it through an incredibly raw lo-fi delivery and technique. http://youtu.be/c1npX5-CP0A facebook bandcamp blogspot twitter

Life's last protagonist. Wannabe writer. Mediocre Musician. Over-Thinker. Medicine Cabinet. @morganrabbits