10 Times David Bowie Surprised Everyone

2. The Snowman

Now this is insanity. We've looked at how Bowie appeared on a Bing Crosby Christmas Special, how he brought out a psychedelic detective story -cum-concept album, and how he appeared in his first starring role up to his eyeballs in banned substances. But recording an intro for The Snowman? That ranks extremely high on the "we didn't see that coming" scale. Adapted from Raymond Briggs' childrens' book, the cosy tale of the friendship between a boy and a lump of ice is a staple part of Channel 4 festive scheduling. The warbling of We're Walking In The Air ensured the story dominated the music charts as well as the TV ratings. Yet the alternative channel decided to live up to its name hiring Bowie to set the tone for the 1982 adventure. He did a great job, relaying an anecdote about a scarf that ties into the main action. Though he did resemble a killer robot from Blade Runner...
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David Bowie
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I am a journalist and comedian who enjoys American movies of the 70s, Amicus horror compendiums, Doctor Who, Twin Peaks, Naomi Watts and sitting down. My short fiction has been published as part of the Iris Wildthyme range from Obverse Books.