10 Times Steely Dan Completely Ran Out Of F**ks To Give

2. When They Dissed The Eagles

In the song €œEverything You Did,€ a typically Dan protagonist discovers his wife has been cheating on him and, in addition to threatening to kill the man, demands she tell him every sordid detail. As the fighting is becoming too loud, he tells the woman, €œTurn up the Eagles; the neighbors are listening.€ Eagles front man Glenn Frey told a story that Becker€™s girlfriend used to play the Eagles all the time, which apparently drove Becker nuts. Nonetheless, despite the sly dig of using Eagles music to cover up a brutal and possibly violent lovers€™ spat, The Eagles returned the favor, so to speak, by mentioning €œsteely knives€ in the hit €œHotel California.€
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Steely Dan
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Kyle Schmidlin is a writer and musician living in Austin, TX. He manages the news blog at thirdrailnews.wordpress.com. Follow him at facebook.com/kyleschmidlin or twitter.com/kyleschmidlin1.