10 Under-Rated Thrash Metal Greats

2. Hades - Masque Of The Red Death (Resisting Success)

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y7kJ4PHak_c Such a nightmarish (in a good way of course) bass play to start off and overall, an incredibly progressive song with a shades of Doom Metal feel at times. The vocal Alan Tecchio is more power than Thrash but that shouldn€™t put off Thrash fans. An un-missable song from a truly under-rated band.

1. Blind Illusion €“ Vicious Visions (The Sane Asylum)

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zerWqhdJPoo A legendary Thrash album with so many great songs. The band promised so much yet never really fulfilled potential. Still, this album remains one of the top Thrash metal albums ever with undisputed classics like Death Noise and Kamakazi. This song is of course just as impressive as the aforementioned ones. Although not a fan favorite, some impressive riffs and twists and turns there and also the vocal is just as awesome. I get goose bumps every time the chorus comes up and he grinds out the words. That should do it for today. I really do hope you won't just concentrate on these songs and forget the band if you've never heard of them. That was my actual intention, bringing not just some under-rated songs but also some under-rated bands in people's attention at the same time. So, check out the bands if you haven't already and thrash on!
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