10 Underrated Metal Albums Of The 1990s

8. Revenge - KISS

Once the alternative movement turned the music world on its head, KISS were in need of a change of scenery. After shedding their makeup at the start of the 80's, the band quickly fell into bad habits and began making records that turned them into a second-rate hair metal outfit. Though there were gems to be found in their 80's material, it wasn't until Revenge that they truly found their footing again.

The band went from the glam looks of their recent output to something much more stripped back and in tune with the heavy sounds they had created back in their prime. There are great sing-along metal tunes like "I Just Wanna," while the ballads like "Every Time I Look At You" feel much more natural than the glossy production of their last few outings.

This album is also responsible with re-establishing Gene Simmons's Demon persona, with songs like "Domino" and "Unholy" bringing something much more sinister to the table. The album is also a touching tribute to mammoth drummer Eric Carr, who lost his battle with cancer during the making of the record. KISS seemed to have reached the end of the road at the end of the 80's, but Revenge showed there was more than enough gas left in the tank to send them over the top again.


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