12 '70s Hard Rock Albums All Fans Should Own

10. Thin Lizzy - Jailbreak

Black Sabbath Paranoid

A band that often don’t get the credit they’re due, Thin Lizzy have a lot more to offer than “The Boys Are Back In Town”. Admittedly that mega hit does feature on this record, but the album and the band deserve way more critical attention these days.

Few can sell a song like vocalist and bassist Phil Lynott, whose effortless charisma has the audience right along with him even when the lyrics get daft (e.g the jailbreak happening “somewhere in this town”). These are soaring songs of heroes and lost love, with "Romeo and the Lonely Girl" a beautiful tune, and “Warrior” a pumped up anthem that few other singers could pull off and still seem cool.

Best of all is “Cowboy Song”, a magnificent epic with a huge, singalong chorus, a load of false finishes, and one of the best examples of Thin Lizzy’s patented twin lead guitar lines. It begins as the band’s take on peaceful country, but as per, within a few minutes they can’t help rocking out. An all time great song, fitting for any of life’s tragedy and triumphs.

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Yorkshire-based writer of screenplays, essays, and fiction. Big fan of having a laugh. Read more of my stuff @ www.twotownsover.com (if you want!)