12 Mind-Blowing Music Facts You Never Knew

8. Most Tours Lose Money

Drake One Dance

Gigs are often considered the backbone of a musician's career, offering the chance for fans to personally engage with the artists and music they love in a way that few other mediums can match. However, the vast majority of tours run at a loss.

Tour formats can range from strict album promotions through to unique and intimate musical experiences, with some artists opting for a stripped-down approach and others going the whole hog with elaborate stage sets, costumes and pyrotechnics (looking at you, Rammstein). With venues to hire, roadies to feed and gear to be shipped across countries and continents, the overheads soon stack up and even the largest artists can lose money on tour.

Ticket sales typically balance out the running costs, but what pays a band's wages is the merchandise that their team relentlessly flog at shows. So next time you're seeing your favourite nine-piece jazz metal ensemble, perhaps it might be worth shelling out the extra twenty quid for a t-shirt.

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