12 Most Underrated Metal Albums

9. Wolves In The Throne Room - Black Cascade

Black metal is a much misunderstood subgenre. The abhorrent behaviour of some of its earliest proponents has tarnished the whole scene, meaning that a certain conception of what black metal ‘is’ has become ingrained in our cultural psyche. In fact, there’s much nuance and shades of light and dark to be found within this strange and often fascinating corner of metal.

A lot has been made about ‘ambient black metal’ and how true it is or isn’t to the core, original values of the genre, with the people who care about this sort of thing being as equally criticised for their complaints. Black metal is as free as any other subgenre and its expansion of aesthetic choices and influences is something to be praised, not lambasted.

Black Cascade proves that ‘ambient' bands like Wolves In The Throne Room are a force to be reckoned with, writing lengthy but deliberate tracks that are heavy as anything produced in the early 90s Scandinavian wilderness. Criticism of the band stems from the their rejection of black metal staples such as satanic imagery and corpse paint, childishly decrying them as ‘hipsters’ because they’ve dared to think differently. Black Cascade deserves a wider appreciation, at the least because it will help move black metal away from these retrograde notions of genre.

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Lamb of God
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