13 Things You Should Be Listening To Right Now


chillwave/electronica/trip hop http://youtu.be/lG5aSZBAuPs There's not a lot else that can bring about envy and resentment in a person quite like youth or talent. Don't even get me started on the pair in unison. However, I'll have to when talking about XXYYXX, aged just 18 Marcel Everett has got a number of singles, EPs, collaborations, remixes, etc. under his belt. His albums though are stunning displays of nuanced production and akeen sense of atmosphere and composure. In his own words his music is the sound of 'doing drugs on the freeway... underwater', and when listening to it it's not exactly hard to hear that. Equal parts soothing and immersive his music also has a sense of blissful freedom that feels as serene as a particularly satisfying drug trips, escapist late night drives, or being left adrift on calm waters. It's collage music that takes in notable samples among bits and pieces of chillwave, lo-fi electronica, trip hop, ambient, and future garage.
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Life's last protagonist. Wannabe writer. Mediocre Musician. Over-Thinker. Medicine Cabinet. @morganrabbits